Study of functions in a GeoGebra environment during "learning week"

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Antonio Criscuolo
Adriana Gnudi


In this paper, the authors summarize their experience using GeoGebra during an intensive, one-week course (i.e., ``learning week''). High school students engaged in collaborative problem-solving activities and explorations involving the limits and derivatives of elementary functions and function graphs. The ``hide and show'' features of GeoGebra were used to conceal (and reveal) analytic function forms from students. The final assessment and evaluation test suggests that GeoGebra is a useful tool in the study of function and calculus concepts.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Criscuolo, University of Bergamo

Center MatNet. Adjunct professor.

Adriana Gnudi, Bergamo University

Faculty of Management, Economics and Quantitive Methods. Full professor