%%% =============================================================== %%% BibTeX-file{ %%% author = "Phan-Yamada", %%% version = "1.00", %%% date = "15 April 2021", %%% filename = "LU.bib", %%% address = "California State University—Los Angeles", %%% sha256 = "f9c7e44993de9a4e99f9cfb81d35405b4f3d595ec1c2ff8b3e17cc5c63ff9e06" %%% email = "tphanya3@calstatela.edu", %%% keywords = "geogebra, LU Decomposition", %%% docstring = "BibTeX bibliography for the article %%% \cite{nhiayi2021examining} %%% } %%% @article{nhiayi2021examining, %%% title={Examining Possible LU Decompositions}, %%% author={Nhiayi, Ly Jacky and Phan-Yamada, Tuyetdong}, %%% journal={North American GeoGebra Journal}, %%% volume={9}, %%% number={1}, %%% pages={1--7}, %%% year={2021} } %%% =============================================================== % ----- C ----- % @article{codesansar2021, author = {{Codesansar}}, title = {Online {LU} {D}ecomposition ({F}actorization) {C}alculator}, year = {2021}, journal={Retieved from: https://www.codesansar.com/numerical-methods/online-lu-decomposition-factorization-calculator.htm}, url = {https://www.codesansar.com/numerical-methods/online-lu-decomposition-factorization-calculator.htm}, urldate = {2021-04-15} } % ----- I ----- % @misc{iotools2021, author = {{IO Tools}}, title = {{LU} {F}actorization {C}alculator}, year = {2021}, url = {https://www.iotools.net/math/lu-factorization-calculator}, urldate = {2021-04-15} } % ----- J ----- % @book{johnson1985matrix, title={Matrix analysis}, author={Johnson, Charles R and Horn, Roger A}, year={1985}, publisher={Cambridge University Press Cambridge} } % ----- S ----- % @misc{smith_2017, title={Online LU Decomposition (Factorization) Calculator}, url={https://www.codesansar.com/numerical-methods/online-lu-decomposition-factorization-calculator.htm}, journal={Codesansar}, author={Smith, John}, year={2017} } @book{strang1993introduction, title={Introduction to linear algebra}, author={Strang, Gilbert}, volume={3}, year={1993}, publisher={Wellesley-Cambridge Press Wellesley, MA} }